Thursday, February 28, 2008

guardian angel

for you jo (:

It helps to know that when you’re falling, there’s someone at the bottom ready to catch you. Life is for living, but it helps to know that there will always be someone there for you, like a guardian angel.

As the waves crashed onto the shore, the sky was painted in deep reds and oranges by the dying rays of the sun. His arms encircled her protectively, as they gazed at the sky. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she snuggled into his embrace.

Amy stared at her computer screen, willing it to give her the answers she needed. Her frustration mounted every time she clicked on a website that she appeared on her search engine page. This guardian angel topic was really starting to irritate her.

Frustrated and tired of searching, she shut down her lap top and closed her eyes. Exhaustion from the countless nights of little sleep made her drift off the minute she closed her eyes. “I’ll continue tomorrow” she thought to herself.

As light flittered in through her window, Amy blinked against the glare of the sun and winced when she saw the time on her digital alarm clock, she was definitely going to be late. After throwing everything she needed for her class that day into her bag, she stepped into the bathroom to wash up and change.

On her journey to church, Amy tried her best to come up with a brilliant plan to save her lesson, after a few failed attempts of thinking of anything. She decided to put her hope in Cade; after all he always had a backup plan to everything. This included travelling routes, if he can have more than two backup plans for that than he certainly could plan the lesson. At least she hoped so.

Cade, Amy’s co- catechist was one of those people you could depend on, and know nothing would go wrong with them there. When she first met him, she thought of him as one of those extinct species of the opposite sex. The fact that he was willingly to teach young children and claimed to love them really did not help him much. But after they started spending more time with each other, she realized he really was just like any other male species other than being more gentlemanly, he was your normal everyday guy.

‘It really was to his advantage that he wasn’t that bad looking either.’ Amy mused. As she watched Cade help the children make their own guardian angels. Pondering on her thoughts earlier on about him, as the children got carried away with their art and craft lesson. Honestly, she had not meant for the lesson to turn out this way, but she was ill-prepared and he had a fully crafted plan. What could she say?

Besides, it was nice to let someone else be in charge. “Miss Amy,” a voice called, breaking into her thoughts. Amy smiled and looked at her student, Lily. “I wish I had a special guardian angel, like you.” Lily told her teacher, her blue eyes filled with longing. Amy looked down at her seven-year-old student in surprise and curiosity and asked “why do I have a special guardian angel?”

Lily looked at her teacher in surprise, “because you can see your guardian angel, we can’t!” Amy looked at Lily in confusion and amusement “Who is my guardian angel then?” She asked. Lily’s eyes lit up with excitement as she dragged her teacher to her other teacher and proclaimed “he is!” pointing at Cade, “Mr. Cade is your guardian angel! You told us that guardian angels protect us from harm and are always there for us! Just like Mr. Cade!”

Amy looked at Cade in embarrassment as the class of students after hearing Lily’s statement clamored around the trio supporting Lily’s statement. “Children, don’t you want to finish your guardian angels and show them to your parents?” Cade told the children and instantly all of them were back on their seats and concentrating on their art pieces.

As they watched the children leave, each holding their carefully crafted “guardian angels” Amy could not help glancing at Cade. Their eyes met, and she just couldn’t look away, “his eyes are captivating” she thought to herself. A sneaky glance became a gaze, and somehow the distance between them closed up as their hands found each other and their fingers entwined together.

The beauty of the night sky, stars splashed over a midnight blue sky dazzled them, as they gazed at it comfortably from the ground, snug in each other’s embrace. Cade gently tilted Amy’s face upwards and his lips brushed against hers. A little girl with blue eyes looked at them from a distance, smiling sneakily before disappearing in an aura of white light.

Funny how such an innocent comment from one little girl could make such a difference. After all what are guardian angels for?

because right now i really can't sleep.
so here's my favourite most meaningful naley quote

" i gave you my heart, that's all i can give to you.
and if that's not enough for you, then I'm not good enough for you"

Haley James Scott/One tree hill

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

valerie has embarked
on her

which is really really tiring
but i will get there.
maybe i should start eating less sugar too.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

she had a really fun birthday.
with the endless incoming smses
and the suprise calls from people

in fact i celebrated my birthday three times this year.
thank you to North Vista Alumni youth wing
for celebrating my birthday on the 16/2/08
and for the alcohol present.

thank you to Aunty Michelle, Daniel,Daryl,Iris,
Jon, Moses, Rach Jie and Shaun for celebrating
my birthday with me too.
with a bailey's cake and borders gift card and
my most wanted VCD as of yet.

Thank you to my dearest Family
for the fruity cake,
(i always seem to be the one in the family
who gets the most unusual cakes.)
the birthday song/wishes
and the wonderful presents.

Jo deary,
for spending the day with me and for the pretty pencil case
that i so desperately needed.
much love babes!

Raphael,Bona and Ali for your
birthday wishes over the phone.
thank you so much.

Angel dear,Sammie,Cindy,Daddy,Lydia and Carissa
for your birthday wishes!
thank you.

val loves all of you!

Monday, February 18, 2008

the much overdue post about
which was supposed to start at five
then became five fifteen,
and then five twenty five,
and we finally started walking at five forty.

our first stop!

sign pointing in direction of Rosyth school
(which got cut off from the picture.)

at NKF ( which cannot be seen)



or at least that's what the sign behind said

shell station outside CTK


and that was our (Iris and I) amazing journey
to CTK,
which took about an hour and forty minutes
because we stopped took photos
went into caltex to buy ice cream and drinks
and i swear
people were looking at us
as if we were totally out of our minds
but it was so much fun!
girl talk and exercise.
what else can you ask for.

and yes,
you are never going to hear the end of this.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Funny how along the way,
mindsets about things can change so drastically.
I don't need a special someone
to feel loved
I have a family and friends for that
I don't need a special someone
to take my breathe away
or to share the rest of my life with me

I just want to fall deeper in love
with you, God.
I only want a deeper relationship with you
everything else can come second to that

Sunrise to sunrise
I will seek Your face
Drawn by the Spirit
To the promise of Your grace
My heart has found in You
A hope that will abide
Here in Your presence
Forever satisfied

I will sing to You, Lord
A hymn of love
For Your faithfulness to me
Im carried in everlasting arms
You'll never let me go
Through it all

I'm so secure, You're here with me
You stay the same, Your love remains here in my heart

So close I believe,
You're holding me now
In Your Hands I belong,
You'll never let me go
So close I believe
You're holding me now
In Your Hands I belong,
You'll never let me go

Take me deeper
Deeper in love with You
Jesus hold me close in Your embrace
Take me deeper
Deeper than I've ever been before
I just want to love You more and more
How I long to be deeper in love

You are forever in my life
You see me through the seasons
Cover me with Your hand
And lead me in Your righteousness
And I look to You
And I wait on You

Thursday, February 14, 2008


I'm over it all.
about you, you and most of all

i feel accomplished
i finally did it
one year and months of hard hard work

oh and the matchmaker is back in business(:

Monday, February 4, 2008

Someone just showed me the true meaning
of being totally and utterly ego.
but funnily it makes me laugh
more then being irritated.

i will post my story soon.
very very soon.

you just made my day.

oh my.
i have this feeling
that i just did a very stupid thing

i finally learned to say
whatever will be will be
i've learned to take
the good the bad
and just breathe

confused yes very

Friday, February 1, 2008

interesting people at tp
rare butterfly
a bet that i can't lose

until the night
when some soul decides to irritate the hell out of me
today was fun

you made my day

thank you so much
for your mixed signals
sometimes you smile
sometimes you look right through me
sometimes you look away when i'm there
sometimes you look at me in a really weird way