Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I miss the words that used to flow so readily,
I miss the heart that used to be satisfied so easily,
I miss the smile that used to cover my face.
I miss the part of me that was so sure of your grace.
I miss the happiness that used to flood over me,
I miss how I could be me and not worry,
I miss your hugs that are such a comfort,
I miss being face to face and just laughing at our actions.
I miss how we could talk for ages about nothing.
I miss the telephone calls.
I miss, I miss, I miss,
I miss you best friend.
And I miss me, at least the old me.

Friday, July 15, 2011

I was just reading a few different blogs,
and I realised that possibly I'm trying to hard to be someone I'm not.
And yet, I'm not so sure I know who I am.
At times, I want to be this super woman person,
in-charge and totally confident.
And yet, there are times I want to be this sad, depressed person.
But most of the time,
I want to revert back to the happy person I was.
The one that was happy where she was in life,
happy doing things, just being happy.
I scare myself.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Dear Jacqueline!

Angel Dear,
for some reason, you are never on skype when I'm there.
You're not online when I'm online either.
You don't have a facebook account that I can talk to you through.
So we have gone almost forever without talking.
Thus, I am left with no choice but to send you this message through our blog,
for you to please reply me, asap.
I miss you, and it would be nice to talk to you soon.
much love