Thursday, January 14, 2010

we heart it
First post of the year,
and it's already mid jan.
oh my gosh.
I'm terribly late with my year end musings and new year goals
so i'll make this short.
Reflecting on the past year, I realised that alot of things that happened
I only have myself to blame,
I also have alot of blessing from god to be thankful for.
1. Thank you for being with me furing my stay in the Hospital for Dengue, for giving me that bible passage to tell me to trust in the Doctor. For getting my daddy to come just when I started feeling lonely and sad about being struck in A & E with no ward.
2. Thank you for the wheelock college approval letter (: I think that really made the year.
3. Thank you for giving me a wonderful family to support me through all my down times and to share my joy with
4. Thank you for fantastic friends who encouraged me and listened to me rant about silly silly things.
5. But most of all, thank you for being with me throughout 2009. (:

In 2009, i learnt more then anything that you reap what you sow. Yes, I admit, I have been incredibly lucky with alot of things. i'm saying that yes there have been so many times when I didn't work that hard but everything went right.
But this year, as graduation is coming and a new chapter begins,
I want to make the best of my own potential to grow more
not only spiritually but also personally.
Skills wise and knowledge wise.
I want to grow up now, and stop hiding behind the protective wings of other people.
This year, I want to do new things, fall and stand up and have the perservance to keep going when the going gets tough.
I want to finally finally see things through.
This year, I want to maximize me, valerie lim and be someone.


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